What is an Educational Scenario?
An educational scenario constitutes a structured plan, which describes the educational process of a course and aims to guide teachers during this process. It basically defines the form and the content of the teaching experience i.e., learning outcomes, pedagogical theories, orientation, etc. and provides the sequence of the learning activities and learning material during a specific learning process.
According to the learning objectives of each educational scenario, specific educational methods are used, which in turn determine the flow of activities, the appropriate tools and the role of the teacher.
Educational Scenarios of UMI-Sci-Ed
In UMI-Sci-Ed project, several generic educational scenarios are initially developed by UMI Groups (communities), exploiting UMI technologies. They are designed based on student-centered approaches and active educational techniques, promoting creative thinking and problem solving skills.
These scenarios include all the necessary components a teacher needs, such as learning objectives, learning activities, learning material, evaluation activates etc., in order to be able to implement the educational scenarios in the classroom. However, the educational scenarios of UMI-Sci-Ed are flexible and teachers may adapt them according to the needs and requirements/background of their students.